Mr. Watson Boswell
So.... we got a dog. I told myself when we moved into this town home in Arlington that we would wait until we bought our own house to get a dog, what with the likelihood of accidents and destructive behavior... doesn't bode well for rental property. Our property management company only allows 2 pets, but for some reason we were meant to have this dog (they bent the rules for us, we did not break them). I really needed someone (yes, I am suggesting that dogs can fill the role of a person) to be home with me during the day because it is so quiet and I get lonely. Not to mention, once Brent starts his 24 hour shifts as a firefighter, I need someone to bark and scare way all that goes bump in the night.
I have posted video of him already, but please allow me to formally introduce, Watson Boswell Schwanbeck.
We found him on and knew we wanted him before we even met him. He is about a year old - we deemed his (first) birthday January 26 - and he is some sort of pointer mix. Personally, I think he is mixed with boxer (reason: he paws at EVERYTHING and he has some brown and black brindle coloring around his face). He is a smart son of a gun, and we are still learning our boundaries around the house - he happens to be good at seeing JUST how far he can go before one of us catches him. He is so great though because he responds to a firm voice and knows when he is in trouble - he retreats to his crate and just stays there without question. He likes chasing Maggie (that's our little calico cat) because, well, she runs. Stella is another story - she asserted her dominance Day 1 and reminds him everyday that she is the boss lady with a good slap on the face or leg or whatever is convenient for the big, fat black cat.
As you can see by the video we posted a few days ago, this fool loved the snow. We have also discovered that he loves the aftermath of ice and snow; it's what we more commonly refer to as MUD. Watson got in big trouble the other day because he started to potty in the house. Luckily Brent caught him before he had finished the job and threw him outside so he could complete the elimination and so Brent could clean up the lovely golden puddle on our carpet (I loathe carpet and so wish we had wood, laminate or tile). While outside, Watson took the opportunity to run laps through the mud and churn through some of it with his paws. When we found him he was no longer a black and white dog - more black and brown really. As you can guess, he got a bath.
We also discovered that Watson either A) gets car sick or B) has a stomach that can't keep down large chunks of cat litter. How did we find this out, you ask... on our way home from Petsmart the other day, Watson barfed all over the backseat of my car (poor Yaris). It was the foulest smelling puddle of ICK I think I have ever smelled. He was even grossed out by it and the poor guy was cowering in the opposite corner of my car, trying to stay as far away from it as possible. So, Scenario A is easy to deduct, but Scenario B requires yet another exciting story in dog ownership...
Earlier in the day (same day as Petmart trip), we both realized that we did not see Watson in the general vicinity... Brent ventured downstairs vewy vewy qwietwee (my attempt at Elmer Fudd, meh), so as to catch him in whatever naughty deed he was engaged in. When Brent turned the corner to our bedroom, there stood Watson surrounded by chunks of cat litter with pieces of it stuck all over his face. His expression said, "Hey, look at this mess... can you believe who ever did this, sure wasn't me". Surely, this act did not work and he was sent to time out.