Brent Schwanbeck, Firefighter

In early 2010, Brent and over 1,900 other hopeful candidates sat for the Arlington Fire Department Civil Service Exam.  After countless rounds of testing, interviewing and physical examinations, 14 gentlemen, including Brent, were chosen to proceed through EMT school and Fire Academy, which began on November 5th, 2010.  Over 7 months later, on June 10th, 2011, 13 completed fire academy and were set to begin their careers as firefighters with the City of Arlington.  

Brent began his 6-month stint as a probationary firefighter at Station 12 (on South Collins near the Arlington Municipal Airport) today.  Don’t let the word “probationary” fool you.  He will still be learning but will be as hands on during all calls as the other firefighters at the station.  In fact, while they are all resting in between calls, Brent will be scurrying around the station doing chores, studying and doing whatever he can to keep himself busy because this is what is expected of a rookie. 

I am so proud of him and have no doubt that GOD made all of this happen. Yes, Brent was dedicated to the task at hand (more dedicated than I have ever been about anything) but I can only assume that it was God pushing him through all of it.  Way to go, Brent. 

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