First Trimester
We kept the Schwanbean a secret long enough that everyone missed the 1st trimester!
Also, ever since this appointment, Brent has excitedly been asking for updates on when the next appointment is. I told him that is was scheduled for November 11th, but even then we wouldn't be doing another sonogram. He was bummed, but also excited to meet the OB/GYN for the first time. When we met the OB/GYN, she really put me at ease. She is really laid back and incredibly smart. We are looking forward to working with her!
Early in my pregnancy, The Schwanbean was been so mild and kind to Mommy. I had pregnancy symptoms, but they were so mild that if I didn't know I was expecting, I probably would think I wasn't (I hope that statement makes sense). The worst and most obvious symptom was the uber-frequent bathroom trips, which was made worse by the fact that I increased my water intake to keep me and the bean hydrated. Other than that, I got sleepier faster (but I don't get my mid-day caffeine indulgence anymore) and I had occasional cramping and heartburn. My hopes were that this mildness continued throughout the duration of the pregnancy. We will see.
Brent and I scheduled to visit Granbury, TX for our 2nd Wedding Anniversary (October 15 and 16th). We planned on visiting wineries, antiques shops, and enjoying a celebratory dinner. Well, the winery plans changed, but Brent enjoyed a few glasses from D'Vine Wine on the square in Granbury while I sipped on the mineral-tasting water from the tap in Granbury. He enjoyed the wine, but I am going to have to get used to being the DD for at least the next year (Brent has already told me that he is incredibly excited about this).
We did get some awesome antique browsing in. We visited several shops in and around Granbury and only bought one thing, but it was a big one. We bought my momma chair for the nursery - a beautiful 75 year old, cream-colored, upholstered rocking chair. The upholstery will be replaced to match/compliment whichever nursery theme we choose, and we need to add some new padding and extra lumbar support - BUT I LOVE IT!
About halfway through the 1st Trimester, Holy Wow! We had our first prenatal appointment on October 25th and got to see our little Schwanbean's heartbeat for the first time. The instant we saw the little flutter on the screen, we felt a rush of love and amazement at the little being we had created - it suddenly felt so real! We also received a mountain of information at this appointment, an almost overwhelming amount of information, but it was so helpful to finally have some answers and guidance.
I am not sure if this was psychological, although I am guessing not, but the day after my first prenatal appointment, which was the day the pregnancy was absolutely confirmed, was the first day I started having the more obvious and major pregnancy symptoms. I started feeling quesy, dizzy and hot, began having some strange food aversions (eggs, which is one of my favorite foods), moved into stages of extreme fatigue, I am starting to bloat like a hot air balloon, and sore, sore, sore breasts - sore, like, oh man, get these off of my body, PLEASE.
Also, ever since this appointment, Brent has excitedly been asking for updates on when the next appointment is. I told him that is was scheduled for November 11th, but even then we wouldn't be doing another sonogram. He was bummed, but also excited to meet the OB/GYN for the first time. When we met the OB/GYN, she really put me at ease. She is really laid back and incredibly smart. We are looking forward to working with her!
I have had some really weird cravings and aversions... for those of you who know me well, you know that I typically will not eat or even go into a Chinese or Asian food restaurant (aside from Pei Wei, which is so Americanized that its bearable). Even though Justin and Brent had Chinese food a few days before that made me nauseous (which is normal - don't ever take me inside a Panda Express, by the way), I ordered Chinese food a few days later because I just couldn't get it off my mind - STRANGE. I only made it a small way through the meal before the normal aversion started to kick in, but the fact that I ordered it at all was a whole new experience. The strange food aversion has been to eggs. I love eggs. I can eat eggs everyday normally, but I've only been able to stomach a few Cracker Barrel eggs so far. Even the thought of the smell of scrambling eggs sets me off.
I am really glad we are not keeping this a secret any longer because since my body no longer wants to keep it a secret.Towards the end of the 1st trimester, the growing belly began to look a little more like a baby bump, which is really exciting, but will make it more difficult to hide it from Uncle Justin, who lives with us. During week 12 I was no longer able to button my jeans, or any pair of pants, for that matter. Wow!
Just a little bit of a bump... |