My Second Trimester... the first half
Even though this pregnancy feels like it is flying by, I still feel the need to break down the time period for which I share stories into smaller and smaller segments. Before you know it, you'll be reading a post for each week - let's hope I don't have too much idle time for that.
My 2nd trimester started in mid-December, and since then so much has happened with my little man (and my body) that I just need to share what I've got on my mind now before I forget it.
My Little Man
At 20 weeks, we went in for our sonogram and learned that we are having a little boy!
He is already ornery though. He was making the ultrasound tech so angry because, at first, he would not stop moving around; then, when she was ready to take some good 4D shots of his sweet little face, he turned so that he was facing my back and all we could see was his profile or the back of his head - little turd.
My Wiggle Worm
He wasn't just ornery for the ultrasound tech... he also messes with his daddy. He moves constantly and when he kicks, he kicks hard, so I always get Brent to put his hands on my tummy when he starts wiggling. Guess when he stops wiggling. That's right! When Brent puts his hands on my tummy, EVERY TIME! I felt bad, but it always makes me giggle a little bit.
After a few weeks, he started having movements that literally moved my belly, so Brent started to feel it, sort of, but I think he has yet to get a good swift kick. Although, this brings me to a pretty funny story...
The other day, Brent and I were sitting in the car at a stop light. Brent said something about the baby and placed his hand on my belly. I jumped and yelled out, "Oh goodness!" Reason for my reaction: the baby reacted to Brent's touch by literally leaping in my belly... we're talking total split-second, violent spaz out in the womb. It was hilarious and so unexpected. Brent and I laughed for a few minutes (I laughed so hard I was crying). Guess Brent startled him or baby just really loves daddy. Aww.
Pregnancy Brain
Yes, this is an actual affliction, not just some made up term from a How I Met Your Mother episode (try Season 7, Episode 8). I have been forgetful, mish-mashing words, and just plain confused for the past 2 months. Blaming all of these ding dong moments on the pregnancy is not just convenient (because let's face it, who is going to hold it against a pregnant lady), but it is necessary BECAUSE IT IS THE CAUSE! I will give you an example story to illustrate the downfall of the once-intelligent Hillary:
Brent and I are winding down for the night reading our books. My book of choice for the evening was "What To Expect When You're Expecting" and I was reading the section that covers the symptoms for the current month of pregnancy. As I read some of the symptoms out loud to Brent, I was giving them verbal check marks, when I came to one that had really been hitting me hard: Aching and Stretching in the Lower Abdomen. Since that one had been the story of my life the past few weeks, I gave it a "Y-E-S apostrophe mark." I'll pause for effect here and let my error sink in....
Brent just stared at me smiling, enjoying his "finally got ya! moment," waiting for me to realize my mistake. After a full 10-15 seconds passed, I corrected myself with "exclamation point" and began laughing for 5 minutes straight. I eventually got to the symptom of Continued Absentmindedness and didn't feel too bad after that. Pregnancy brain. It's a real problem, people. Brent is going to have to start writing things down for me.
Food Aversions
The is no easy way to describe the way this affects me because, well, I can't really figure it out. I don't necessarily get eeked out by any certain food, but anything at any point before or during a meal can set me off. My best guess is that I don't like seeing food being prepared. I came to this conclusion after I realized a theme - home cooked meals grossed me out. Poor Brent. He cooks and I get grossed out - not because his cooking is gross, but because... I'm pregnant. My husband is a great cook, by the way.
Also, pictures of food gross me out as does the combination of smells at a restaurant table. Looking at a menu with pictures of food and then sitting through a meal with a strange combination of food aromas surrounding me.... just yuck.
Food Cravings
Sweets! No weird combination of foods like pickles and ice cream (which, by the way, sounds disgusting). I just want sweets ALL THE TIME. I have managed to keep it at bay somewhat by keeping fruit around the house. I think I have gone through 30 cara cara oranges (maybe more) in the past month. "Somewhat" was the key word in that last sentence. I keep making sweets - batches of cookies, rice krispie treats dipped in chocolate, homemade ice cream - and picking up sweets - milk shakes, Snickers bars, Valentine's Day candy (at half off!), store bought ice cream. Yet another serious problem.
Can't wait to get the second half of my second trimester up and posted - just got to make it through it!
My 2nd trimester started in mid-December, and since then so much has happened with my little man (and my body) that I just need to share what I've got on my mind now before I forget it.
My Little Man
At 20 weeks, we went in for our sonogram and learned that we are having a little boy!
He is already ornery though. He was making the ultrasound tech so angry because, at first, he would not stop moving around; then, when she was ready to take some good 4D shots of his sweet little face, he turned so that he was facing my back and all we could see was his profile or the back of his head - little turd.
My Wiggle Worm
He wasn't just ornery for the ultrasound tech... he also messes with his daddy. He moves constantly and when he kicks, he kicks hard, so I always get Brent to put his hands on my tummy when he starts wiggling. Guess when he stops wiggling. That's right! When Brent puts his hands on my tummy, EVERY TIME! I felt bad, but it always makes me giggle a little bit.
After a few weeks, he started having movements that literally moved my belly, so Brent started to feel it, sort of, but I think he has yet to get a good swift kick. Although, this brings me to a pretty funny story...
The other day, Brent and I were sitting in the car at a stop light. Brent said something about the baby and placed his hand on my belly. I jumped and yelled out, "Oh goodness!" Reason for my reaction: the baby reacted to Brent's touch by literally leaping in my belly... we're talking total split-second, violent spaz out in the womb. It was hilarious and so unexpected. Brent and I laughed for a few minutes (I laughed so hard I was crying). Guess Brent startled him or baby just really loves daddy. Aww.
Pregnancy Brain
Yes, this is an actual affliction, not just some made up term from a How I Met Your Mother episode (try Season 7, Episode 8). I have been forgetful, mish-mashing words, and just plain confused for the past 2 months. Blaming all of these ding dong moments on the pregnancy is not just convenient (because let's face it, who is going to hold it against a pregnant lady), but it is necessary BECAUSE IT IS THE CAUSE! I will give you an example story to illustrate the downfall of the once-intelligent Hillary:
Brent and I are winding down for the night reading our books. My book of choice for the evening was "What To Expect When You're Expecting" and I was reading the section that covers the symptoms for the current month of pregnancy. As I read some of the symptoms out loud to Brent, I was giving them verbal check marks, when I came to one that had really been hitting me hard: Aching and Stretching in the Lower Abdomen. Since that one had been the story of my life the past few weeks, I gave it a "Y-E-S apostrophe mark." I'll pause for effect here and let my error sink in....
Brent just stared at me smiling, enjoying his "finally got ya! moment," waiting for me to realize my mistake. After a full 10-15 seconds passed, I corrected myself with "exclamation point" and began laughing for 5 minutes straight. I eventually got to the symptom of Continued Absentmindedness and didn't feel too bad after that. Pregnancy brain. It's a real problem, people. Brent is going to have to start writing things down for me.
Food Aversions
The is no easy way to describe the way this affects me because, well, I can't really figure it out. I don't necessarily get eeked out by any certain food, but anything at any point before or during a meal can set me off. My best guess is that I don't like seeing food being prepared. I came to this conclusion after I realized a theme - home cooked meals grossed me out. Poor Brent. He cooks and I get grossed out - not because his cooking is gross, but because... I'm pregnant. My husband is a great cook, by the way.
Also, pictures of food gross me out as does the combination of smells at a restaurant table. Looking at a menu with pictures of food and then sitting through a meal with a strange combination of food aromas surrounding me.... just yuck.
Food Cravings
Sweets! No weird combination of foods like pickles and ice cream (which, by the way, sounds disgusting). I just want sweets ALL THE TIME. I have managed to keep it at bay somewhat by keeping fruit around the house. I think I have gone through 30 cara cara oranges (maybe more) in the past month. "Somewhat" was the key word in that last sentence. I keep making sweets - batches of cookies, rice krispie treats dipped in chocolate, homemade ice cream - and picking up sweets - milk shakes, Snickers bars, Valentine's Day candy (at half off!), store bought ice cream. Yet another serious problem.
Can't wait to get the second half of my second trimester up and posted - just got to make it through it!