Month Two.

So we survived the first month and started getting settled into our little family routine in the second month.  We got used to Boone; Boone got used to us. We began to feel a little more well rested, as Boone started sleeping more and more each week. By the end of month two he was sleeping on average 7 hours during the first stretch at night and then a few more after his feeding.  Seemed too good to be true, but he is still sleeping that much, if not more!
Boone had his shots this month.  He was so brave and only cried for a few minutes.  He slept the rest of the day and actually had his first night where he slept 12 hours.  He has repeated since then, but THAT was an awesome first.

Boone had his first swimming encounter.  He seemed to enjoy it after he got used to the water.  We didn't have a swimmer diaper, because they just don't make them in size 1, so he went in the pool with a regular diaper.  After 5 minutes in the pool, his diaper reminded me of the girl on Willie Wonka that blew up into a big blueberry (minus the blue part).  In other words, it was enormous.

We discovered that Boone LOVES his play gym.  I thank God everyday that my co-workers bought this for Boone even though it was not on my registry because it has been a huge blessing.  Makes him happy as a clam and allows us to get a few things done - he will play for over an hour sometimes and often plays himself to sleep. His favorite part of the toy is the mirror. Boone loves to smile at and talk to his handsome best friend in the mirror.  

Boone, along with Grandpa Bud, enjoyed his first trip to the Fort Worth Stock Yards.  It was hot, hot, hot, but a lot of fun walking around and visiting with Grandpa Bud.  We missed the cattle drive though because somebody was hungry.

This month, he became more vocal and his personality began to shine.  I am so excited to watch him evolve into the little man he will become.  Boone learned to stick out his tongue, which then led to him licking everything in sight. Totally cute, but totally slobbery.  

By the end of the second month, we learned a few things:
  • Mr. Boone eats SOOOOO much. He is at the top of the range (some days beyond it) for how many ounces infants at his age should eat each day. Not kidding.
  • Blow out diapers are not something to take lightly.  Guard yourself and your clothing when feeding Boone mid-afternoon.
  • Boone enjoys it when adults make funny faces - my father-in-law said, "If you ever want to see a group of adults act like idiots, get them around a little baby."
  • Boone still doesn't like naps. 15-20 minutes is about all we can get out of him.

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