Month One.

 The first month as first-time parents was an interesting change from our previous lifestyle.  A lot less sleep, a lot less changing out of pajamas, a lot less leaving the house, and a lot more BABY!  Brent was participating in daytime wildfire training for his task force in the fire department during Boone's first week, so we were blessed to have our moms trade off helping during that first week home from the hospital.  They made it possible for Mommy to eat and sleep (some), for the house to look somewhat clean, and for Boone to gets loads of loving.  

Then, Brent was home for 3 straight weeks, so the honeymoon (having our moms there helping) ended and we were on our own.  It was nice to begin getting our routine established (as much as you can get with a newborn) and begin our life as a little family!

By the end of the first month, we learned a few things:
  • Mommy needs to eat often in order for the Boone to eat often.
  • Taking turns feeding in the middle of the night is a key to survival, at least for us.
  • Cover the weewee when changing diapers.
  • Bedtime routines are awesome and they work (Boone was sleeping two 5-hour periods at night by the end of month 1).
  • Boone doesn't like naps.
  • Daddy can sleep through just about any volume level of Boone cries.

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